Managing People

Table of contents

  1. Listing People
  2. Creating People
  3. Updating People
  4. Deleting People
  5. Exporting People
  6. Associating a Person to a List
  7. Dissociating a Person from a List

You can create, update and delete people.

Listing People

To list all available people go to People from the main navigation menu.

People List

Creating People

To create a person go to People from the main navigation menu and use the New Person button.

Create Person

Updating People

To update the person select a person from the people list. You may also edit the assigned lists to the person.

Update Person

Deleting People

To delete a person use the delete button next to the person’s name.

Delete Person

Exporting People

To export people use the dropdown export menu from any people list.

Export People

Associating a Person to a List

To associate a person to a list go to the Lists tab under a person, then choose the list that you would like to associate.

Associate List

Dissociating a Person from a List

To dissociate a person to a list go to the Lists tab under a person, then use the dissociate option from the dropdown options list.

Dissociate List